Saturday, November 25, 2006

Tweak Vista #1 - Bring Back Start / RUN

The Start menu layout for Vista has changed tremendously. For instance it doesn't even say Start anymore unless you hover over it. One of the biggest improvements to the menu is the search bar at the bottom of the menu, which searches through your programs, document files, emails and anything else for which a search provider is registered. Want to run Word without having to browse around the "All Programs" menu? Just type "Word" in the searchbar. Can't remember which of the dialog boxes and settings you have to go through to find the Device Manager? Just type "device" in the search bar.

You can run things like this through the search box, but for many programs it's a little quicker and simpler to use run. So lets bring it back. The quick way to get it is to use the Win+R shortcut key combination at any time, but for those who don't like keyboard shortcuts we can add it back to the Start menu.

To restore it permanently to your Start menu, here's what you do:
  • Open your Start menu, then right-click and choose Properties;
  • Select the Start Menu tab and click on Customize...;
  • Scroll down and ensure the "Run command" option is checked;
  • Click OK, then Apply, then OK again. Your done.
Now the Start / Run command will be restored. Of course, you can swap in and out a bunch of other choices I added Administrative Tools. If you want to pin shortcuts to the left side in the white area of the Start menu, all you need to do is right click the shortcut, or program and select Pin to Start Menu.

My Start Menu:

Friday, November 24, 2006

Windows Vista Shortcuts

Explorer Shortcuts


Select the Address bar


Select the Instant Search box


Refresh the active window


View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer


Go backward to previous location in history


Navigate to parent folder if there are no previous navigations.  Navigate to previous location in history if one exists.


Go forward to next location in history


Cancel the current task or search

F10 or ALT

Activate the menu bar in the active program


Cycle focus to next UI element in Explorer


Close the active item, or exit the active program


Display the Address bar list in Windows Explorer

F3 or CTRL+F

Search for a file or folder


Opens current location in a new window


Turn Full Screen Mode on or off


Open the shortcut menu for the active window


Cycle through open windows


Cycle through open windows without closing the menu


Display Start Menu


Task Manager

Listview Shortcuts


Select all items in a document or window


Select last item in the active window


Select first item in the active window


Move focus to last item in the selected window without selecting


Move focus to first item in the selected window without selecting

CTRL+Arrow keys+Spacebar

Allows discontinuous multiple selection of items

SHIFT with any arrow key

Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document


Display the shortcut menu for the selected item


Rename the selected item


Display properties for the selected item


Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin


Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first

CTRL+PLUS key on Number Pad

Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first

Instant Search Box Shortcuts


Searches for entered term and opens Search Pane (does not work in Start Menu)


Searches for entered term using Internet browser (does not work in Start Menu)


Will launch a selected Application elevated if used from the Start Menu

Folder Tree Shortcuts

NUM LOCK+ASTERISK (*) on numeric keypad

Display all subfolders under the selected folder

NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN (+) on numeric keypad

Display the contents of the selected folder

NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN (-) on numeric keypad

Collapse the selected folder


Collapse the current selection (if it is expanded), or select the parent folder


Display the current selection (if it is collapsed), or select the first subfolder


View the previous folder


View the next folder

Windows Key Shortcuts

Windows logo key

Open or close the Start menu

Windows logo key + #

Launches shortcut in Quick Launch with the position corresponding to the # entered.   (eg. Winkey + 1 to launch first item in quick launch menu)

Windows logo key +BREAK

Display the System Properties dialog box

Windows logo key +D

Display the desktop

Windows logo key +M

Minimize all windows

Windows logo key +SHIFT+M

Restore minimized windows to the desktop

Windows logo key +E

Open Windows Explorer navigated to Computer

Windows logo key +F

Search for a file or folder

CTRL+Windows logo key +F

Search for computers

Windows logo key +L

Lock your computer

Windows logo key +R

Open the Run dialog box

Windows logo key +T

Cycle through programs on the taskbar

Windows logo key +TAB

Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Windows Flip 3-D

CTRL+Windows logo key +TAB

Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Windows Flip 3-D

Windows logo key +SPACEBAR

Bring all gadgets to the front and select Windows Sidebar

Windows logo key +G

Cycle through Sidebar gadgets

Windows logo key +U

Open Ease of Access Center

Windows logo key +X

Open Windows Mobility Center

Login Screen Shortcuts


Power Menu


Switch user

Arrow keys

Navigate between user tiles

Security Screen Shortcuts


Lock machine


Switch user


Log off


Change Password


Task Manager

General Shortcuts













CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item

Create shortcut to selected item.

CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys

Highlight a block of text.


Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word.


Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Vista Better Than Expected!

I've now had the final release of Vista Ultimate installed for about a week now. I like it. Never thought I'd say that, but it's true. It's the only operating system I'm running and all my games and programs work! I had to do some scrounging on the internet ( is great) to find all the little secrets, but I'm now happier than when I was running XP. I only have one thing left that I'm waiting for and there is no doubt it will come soon. I have a GeForce 7900GT and NVIDIA hasn't released drivers with a control panel yet. Rumors are that we'll have them by this coming week.

Ok my biggest Vista suggestion is to load absolutely every high resource program such as a newer game or Photoshop in Administrator. You do this by simply right clicking on the program you want to run and choose Run as Administrator. If that doesn't get it working for you then run it in XP Compatability mode. You do this by right click-Properties-Compatability. If XP mode doesn't get it to load for you then use Windows 98 mode. It's a small hassle, but it works and it remembers the mode you set it at for the next time you load. I haven't had anything not work at all.

You can wait to upgrade, there's no hurry, but I like new things and get bored easily, so I had to go with the final release. I'm running an AMD 64 3000+ with 2GBs of DDR and Vista runs great. It's very slick and I love the extra features. With XP I would always revert to the Classic Start Menu, but I love the new Vista menu. It's compact and it's a very intelligent design. No more boxes popping out to the side, they all open in the same menu window. You'll get the hang of it in about 10 minutes. The new games are better and the Chess game is absolutely great!

Only some of your current programs need extra attention to run, others will load no problem. As the software makers continue making more Vista compatable software it will obviously get easier, but for now I can deal with the extra click to make Company of Heroes, Call of Duty 2, and Photoshop run without a hitch, because right now there are much more pros than cons.

Most of the problems I've heard about Vista is from lower end systems. I would recommend at least 1GB of ram if you are thinking about switching and if you are a heavy gamer you will want 2GBs. From what I've been reading the overwhelming opinion right now is that the ATI drivers are working better than the NVIDIA Beta drivers, but in their defense they haven't released a final driver for Vista yet. Get on the ball NVIDIA! If you have the rig to do it, then upgrade! If your PC seems even a little sluggish on XP, then don't even attempt it. Me? I'm happy.

Let's start with MySpace

I'm done with What is it about something new you can't figure out sooner that your not going to like in the long term? Why did I not realize sooner that myspace is garbage. It is just fancy email with a buildable permanent template. That's all it is. Oh the horrible bandwidth sucking pages I've seen. Myspace gives users just enough control to make an extremely horrible page that can play 500 videos and 3oo songs at once combined with 1000 pictures on an ugly background. Oh and lets not forget the tag in the top left corner of most pages where the user swiped the code from some cesspool generator.

Am I being too harsh? I don't think so. On top of the horrible pages people build are the obscene pictures that are posted on your personal page, and then there are the kids. Yes the kids, I'm guessing that probably 85% of myspace users are nothing but over-hormonal teenage kids. Which brings me to yet another reason to hate the abyss that is myspace. This is another scumbag sexual predator platform that gives these disgusting people yet another place on the web to fool kids into their own personal horror. I wish I could have a job where all day I just went from room to room maiming these sick maggots 5 days a week.

Should myspace be taken off the internet? Of course not. It's just that recently I've realized more and more how much I hate myspace and so I've decided to abandon it. Have fun with the space kids. Blogger is my newly rekindled passion. For now...